Real Estate Two Important Impacts of Home Equity Equity continues to rise, helping American homeowners secure a much more stable financial future. According to the most recent data from CoreLogic, the average homeowner gained $9,800 in equity over the past year. In addition, experts project 2020 home prices to continue rising. With prices going up, equity gains will also keep accelerating. Black Knight […]
Real Estate Selling Your House Is the Right Move, Right Now [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights Demand from homebuyers has skyrocketed this year, which means today’s sellers are poised to win big. This ideal moment in time to sell your house won’t last forever, though. With more sellers coming to the market in the spring, waiting until next year means buyers will have more choices, so your home may […]
Real Estate Home Values Projected to Keep Rising As we enter the final months of 2020 and continue to work through the challenges this year has brought, some of us wonder what impact continued economic uncertainty could have on home prices. Looking at the big picture, the rules of supply and demand will give us the clearest idea of what is to come. […]
Real Estate Why Today’s Options Will Save Homeowners from Foreclosure Many housing experts originally voiced concern that the mortgage forbearance program (which allows families impacted financially by COVID to delay mortgage payments to a later date) could lead to an increase in foreclosures when forbearances end. Some originally forecasted that up to 30% of homeowners would choose to enter forbearance. Less than 10% actually did, […]
Economy Americans Are Gaining Confidence in the Economy The September Jobs Report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate dropped to 7.9%. Though that percentage is well below what experts projected earlier this year, it still means millions of people are without work. There’s no way to minimize the tremendous impact this pandemic-induced recession continues to have on […]
Real Estate Real Estate Continues to Show Unprecedented Strength This Year The 2020 housing market has surpassed all expectations and continues to drive the nation’s economic recovery. The question is, will this positive trend continue throughout the rest of the year, especially given the uncertainty around the current health crisis, the upcoming election, and more? Here’s a look at what several industry-leading experts have to say. […]
Real Estate How to Prepare for a Bidding War [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights With so few houses available on the market today, being ready for a bidding war is essential for prospective homebuyers. From pre-approval to making your best offer, here are three tips to make sure you can act quickly and confidently when you find the perfect home. Let’s connect today to be sure you […]
Real Estate Do You Need to Know More about Forbearance and Mortgage Relief Options? Earlier this year when the nation pressed pause on the economy and unemployment rates jumped up significantly, many homeowners were immediately concerned about being able to pay their mortgages, and understandably so. To assist in this challenging time, two protection plans were put into place to help support those in need. First, there was a […]
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Real Estate The #1 Reason Not to Wait to List Your House for Sale Many industries have been devastated by the economic shutdown caused by the COVID-19 virus. Real estate is not one of them. Mark Fleming, Chief Economist for First American, just reported: “Since hitting a low point during the initial stages of the pandemic, the only major industry to display immunity to the economic impacts of the […]
Real Estate Do You Have Enough Money Saved for a Down Payment? One of the biggest misconceptions for first-time homebuyers is how much you’ll need to save for a down payment. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always have to put 20% down to buy a house. Here’s how it breaks down. A recent survey by Point2Homes mentions that 74% of millennials (ages 25-40) say they’re interested […]
Real Estate 6 Reasons You’ll Win by Selling with a Real Estate Agent This Fall There are many benefits to working with a real estate professional when selling your house. During challenging times, like what we face today, it becomes even more important to have an expert you trust to help guide you through the process. If you’re considering selling on your own, known in the industry as a For Sale […]
Real Estate Thinking of Moving? [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights If you’re ready to sell your house but you’re worried about finding one to move into, why not invest in a brand-new home built just for you? New construction is on the rise, so it’s a great time to think about a custom home to fit your family’s changing needs. Let’s connect today […]
Real Estate Should You Buy a Retirement Home Sooner Rather than Later? Every day in the U.S., roughly 10,000 people turn 65. Prior to the health crisis that swept the nation in 2020, most people had to wait until they retired to make a move to the beach, the golf course, or the senior living community they were looking to settle into for their later years in […]
Real Estate A Homeowner’s Net Worth Is 40x Greater Than a Renter’s One of the best ways to build your family’s financial future is through homeownership. Recent data from the Federal Reserve indicates the net worth of a homeowner is actually over 40 times greater than that of a renter. Maybe it’s time to start thinking about buying a home, especially when they’re so affordable in today’s […]
Real Estate Is it Time to Move into a Single-Story Home? Once the kids have left the nest, you may be wondering what to do with all of the extra space in your home. Chances are, you don’t need four bedrooms anymore, and it may be a great time to sell your house and downsize, maybe even into a single-story home. You’ve likely gained significant equity […]
Real Estate Why Pricing Your House Right Is Essential In today’s real estate market, setting the right price for your house is one of the most valuable things you can do. According to the U.S. Economic Outlook by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), existing home prices nationwide are forecasted to increase 4.7% in 2020 and 4.1% in 2021. This means experts anticipate home […]
Real Estate Rising Home Equity Can Power Your Next Move [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights According to CoreLogic, homeowners across the country are gaining significant equity. Over the past year, the average homeowner gained $9,800 in equity, growing their overall net worth. If you’re ready to sell your house and begin looking for your dream home, let’s connect to plan how your equity can make that possible.
Real Estate Buyers Are Finding More Space in the Luxury Home Market A year ago, additional space and extra amenities had a very different feel for homebuyers. Today, the health crisis has brought to light how valuable more square footage and carefully designed floorplans can be. Home offices, multi-purpose rooms, gyms, and theaters are becoming more popular, and some families are finding the space they need for […]
Real Estate Why Selling this Fall May Be Your Best Move If you’re thinking about moving, selling your house this fall might be the way to go. Here are four highlights in the housing market that may make your decision to sell this fall an easy one. 1. Buyers Are Actively in the Market ShowingTime, a leading real estate showing software and market stat service provider, […]
Real Estate Where Are Home Values Headed Over the Next 12 Months? As shelter-in-place orders were implemented earlier this year, many questioned what the shutdown would mean to the real estate market. Specifically, there was concern about home values. After years of rising home prices, would 2020 be the year this appreciation trend would come to a screeching halt? Even worse, would home values begin to depreciate? […]